
Mostly red gemstones are rubies, spinels or garnets. But also tourmaline occurs as rubellite in a red variety.

Until the 19th century people were not able to distinguish ruby from spinel, so all red stones were sold as expensive "ruby". Finally, the also name of the ruby comes from the Latin "rubeus", which means nothing else than "red".

Your gemstone search

Showing 1–16 of 19 results


attributes of a ruby

  • Belongs mineralogically to corundum
  • Hardness grade 9
  • Chemical formula: Al2O3
  • Includes only the color red
  • Colored by chromium oxide
  • High density of 3.9 - 4.1

worth knowing

  • Oldest known locality: Burma
  • Was exchanged for emeralds by maharajas
  • The color red is equated with power
  • Assigned to the planet Mars
  • Increases the assertiveness
  • The location Mozambique was discovered only in 2007/08

ruby as investment

  • Highest suitability of all gemstones
  • Rare, strongly increasing in value
  • Stones should have a weight of at least 1 ct
  • Larger stones have higher increase in value
  • Experts reckon with 8% increase in value per year
  • Beautifully sparkling rubies are preferable
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