
It was not until 2008 that rich ruby deposits were discovered in Mozambique in East Africa. Since then, the gemstones from the mine near Montepuez have been among the most sought-after rubies on the world market. Today, according to recent findings, Mozambique supplies about 80% of the world's production of high-quality rubies. Besides rubies, many of the high-quality Paraiba tourmalines also come from Mozambique.

Your gemstone search

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attributes of a ruby

  • Belongs mineralogically to corundum
  • Hardness grade 9
  • Chemical formula: Al2O3
  • Includes only the color red
  • Colored by chromium oxide
  • High density of 3.9 - 4.1

worth knowing

  • Oldest known locality: Burma
  • Was exchanged for emeralds by maharajas
  • The color red is equated with power
  • Assigned to the planet Mars
  • Increases the assertiveness
  • The location Mozambique was discovered only in 2007/08

ruby as investment

  • Highest suitability of all gemstones
  • Rare, strongly increasing in value
  • Stones should have a weight of at least 1 ct
  • Larger stones have higher increase in value
  • Experts reckon with 8% increase in value per year
  • Beautifully sparkling rubies are preferable
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